Spring 2021 Updates

A few brief updates.

First, it is much smoother to drive faster over railroad tracks, not slower. It’s also probably safer for many reasons. You all need to know this. OK?

Second, my book review of Markus Vinzent, Writing the History of Early Christianity: From Reception to Retrospection (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2019) was recently published in the Journal of Greco-Roman Christianity and Judaism 16 (2020). 

Third, I’m scheduled to join a group of graduate students Monday morning (April 19, 2021) at Vanderbilt Divinity School that are discussing my article Owning Up To It: Why Cooperatives Create the Humane Economy Our World Needs (Faith and Economics 2020). Really looking forward to it, as Joerg Rieger and the Wendland Cook Program for Religion and Justice is doing some truly amazing grassroots community work and scholarship all at the same time, and  we can support each other’s work on this incredibly important subject.

Fourth, I’m scheduled to speak on Friday (April 23, 2021) for the annual American Academy of Religious Leadership conference, entitled “Production for the Common Good: A Christian Case for Cooperatives.” 

Fifth, my article for The Bible Translator should be coming out in a week or so. Super excited (…because it’s like, almost a decade in the making, and despite being rejected twice was finally accepted in the world’s leading journal on translation; phew!), but we’ll have to wait until it’s out for more details!

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